A 2011 action/thriller film -
The Mechanic.
The Mechanic stars are the following : Simon West and Jason Statham. This film is the remake of the Charles Bronson film ( 1972).
The Mechanic 2011 story : Jason Statham as Arthur Bishop is the 'mechanic' - an elite assassin with a strict code and a unique talent he is using to eliminate targets. A job requires professional perfection and total detachement , and Bishop is the best in business. His mission grows complicated when son of Harry ( Steve, who is Ben Foster ) aprproache him with same gaol and determination to learn the Bishop's treade. A methodical hit man takes an impulsive student deep into his world and a deadly partnership is born. But while in pursuit of their ultimate mark, deceptions threaten to surface and those hired to fix problems become problems themselves. T
he Mechanic free stream online
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